Biomechanical Factors in Etiology of the So-Called Idiopathic Scoliosis

Tomasz Karski

Published Date: 2022-01-31

Tomasz Karski*

Department of Etiology, Vincent Pol University, Lublin, Poland

*Corresponding Author:
Tomasz Karski
Department of Etiology, Vincent Pol University, Lublin, Poland

Received date: December 31, 2021, Manuscript No. IPNBT-22-12650; Editor assigned date: January 02, 2022, PreQC No IPNBT-22-12650 (PQ); Reviewed date: January 16, 2022, QC No. IPNBT-22-12650; Revised date: January 23, 2022, Manuscript No. IPNBT-22-12650 (R); Published date: January 31, 2022, DOI: 10.36648/2573-5349.7.1.102
Citation: Karski T (2022) Biomechanical Factors in Etiology of the So-Called Idiopathic Scoliosis. J Transl Neurosc Vol: 7 No: 1

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The restriction of movement of the right hipsters is one of the eight symptoms of the "Pattern of Contracture and Scars according to Prof. Hans Mau and Lublin compliances. This restriction enables the easy "standing" on the right leg similar position is veritably comfortable thanks to a better stabilization, but with the time it may beget the left convex wind in lumbar chine. The other impacting factor is connected with gait. When the movement in right hipsters is maximally limited the compensative movement in pelvis and in chine during walking appears and it's the cause of gyration disfigurement and stiffness of the chine. All points in pathology are connected with colorful "models the hipsterism's movement". In result there are three groups and four types of scoliosis. In the composition, the author presents the new Lublin bracket, new tests in examination and a rule of the new treatment and unproductive prophylaxis of this chine disfigurement.

Steps in Discovery of Etiology of the So Called Idiopathic Scoliosis

Eighty 80 of scoliosis cases were over numerous times called "idiopathic scoliosis". The causes of the remaining 20 were natural scoliosis, neurological with paresis of muscles, functional or the chine disfigurement was in colorful "pathology runs". Over numerous centuries the etiology of "idiopathic scoliosis" was unknown and this type of chine disfigurement was described as "idiopathic scoliosis" what means "scoliosis with no innovated causes". The problem of "idiopathic scoliosis" (Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) was the subject of the author's exploration since 1984 [1]. During the education stay in Invalid Foundation Hospital in Helsinki/Teholantie 10, Finland in 1984 author (T. Karzai) tried to find the etiology of "the idiopathic scoliosis" by the examination of numerous children with scoliosis. During this one-month study unfortunately the etiology has not been discovered.
In the times 1984â??2019, further than 2500 cases with scoliosis were observed and treated. This group included children and youth-80 in the age of 4 to 25. The remaining 20, in the age of 30 to 80 times old, comported of cases with problems of spinal pain. In all cases with reverse pain one of its causes is scoliosis-and the same etiological factor has been plant- standing 'at ease 'on the right leg. What was plant as well was the asymmetry of the movement of the hipsâ??limited adduction of the right hipsters in extension position of the joint. The opinion of these cases indicated a chine disfigurement in the form of "C" or "S" scoliosis in 2nd A/B etiopathological group [2].
Through checking adduction of the hips in straight position in every case we're suitable to define the type of scoliosis, and estimate the threat of developing one. In the case of former incorrect remedy exercises-we can observe not only worsening of child's status but also other direction of the angles. Also, during X-ray examination standing position is also essential. The shows that, depending from the standing position on left or on right or on both legs-the scoliosis in the X-ray can be separated. This knowledge is pivotal in opinion and in remedy [3].
Proper remedy and unproductive prophylaxis in this point I want to advise croakers, physiotherapists not to use "strengthening" exercises in the remedy of scoliosis. Similar remedy was recommended because the etiology of scoliosis wasn't plant. Indecorous remedy gave only negative results. In remedy flexion exercises for chine are important-forwards, to left, to right side-every day, numerous times. The end of similar remedy is to "overcome reduce" the shortenings of soft towel on hollow point of wind. These stretching exercises which outstretch "docked soft napkins" are extremely important in the remedy. Then I would like to inform that flexion exercises in the treatment of scoliosis in Poland were introduced by Malawi from Warsaw Outwork numerous times before Prof Malawi in his own material observed only good results after similar remedy and particular conversations [4].
In the following times, 1984-1995, in Lublin, Poland after examining numerous children, I discovered an etiological factor. I plant that scoliosis is connected with the asymmetrical movement of hips and coming with function-endless "standing 'at ease 'on the right leg" and "gait". Noticing the difference in the movement of the hips limited adduction in straight position of joint was a deciding moment in the discovery of etiology. The limitation of adduction of the right hipsters, or indeed hijacking contracture of this common 5 to 10 degree is one of the symptoms of "The Pattern of contractures and scars" according to Prof. Hans Mau from Tubingen, Germany and Lublin compliances. The straight position in examination is analogous to the "standing position" or to the "station phase in walking" and these "moments" play deciding part in development of scoliosis through function "standing" and "gait". Experimental factors of the so called idiopathic scoliosis were secret over numerous centuries [5-7].
In Lublin, Poland after examining many children, I discovered an etiological factor. I found that scoliosis is connected with the asymmetrical movement of hips and next with function permanent "standing 'at ease' on the right leg" and "gait" [8,9]. Noticing the difference in the movement of the hips limited adduction in straight position of joint was a deciding moment in the discovery of etiology. The limitation of adduction of the right hip or even abduction contracture of this joint 5 to 10 degree is one of the symptoms of the syndrome of contractures and deformities, according to Prof. Hans Mau from Tübingen, Germany and Lublin observations. The straight position in examination is similar to the "standing position" or to the "stance phase in walking" and these "moments" play deciding role in development of scoliosis through function "standing" and "gait". Developmental factors of the so-called idiopathic scoliosis were secret over many centuries. The biomechanical causes of the deformity were found and described in years 1984-2007. In the development of scoliosis, the main factor is the habit of standing 'at ease' on the right leg, and gait is another one. These two biomechanical factors appear because of the asymmetry of hips movement. In the right hip the adduction, and often internal rotation and extension, are limited [10].


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